Case Study
Custom Shopper Payment Processing for multinational MS Provider
The aim of Mystery Motive – MyMo is to facilitate the work of Mystery Shopping Providers by on one hand amazing their Clients (thereby helping them get more business and new Clients), and improving MSP efficiency (thereby reducing expenses and work load). This is what our team means by the word Motive.
A Mystery Shopping Provider (MSP) who is present in more than 5 countries has been using MyMo in its Asian branch. The main challenge of the MSP was to deal with the payment processing of large volume of shops they did monthly.
Beforehand, this MSP made all shopper payments through Internet banking, manually typing each payment into the web bank platform. Having a monthly volume of over 3000 shopping visits, they were occupying over 1000 shoppers every month.
DILEMMA A: Firstly, the MSP obviously needed a solution to be able to make mass payment to shoppers, rather than manually typing every payment, which was unbearably time consuming.
DILEMMA B: It was virtually impossible for the MSP to sum the amount that is owed to one shopper (who for instance completed 15 shops during the month), since their payment information was kept on multiple Excel files – one for each project. Therefore every shopper got as many payment transfers as many tests they did. Rather than making one transfer with the whole due amount, the MSP sent on average 5 transfers to shoppers every month. This was leading to high banking costs and was very labor intensive.
DILEMMA C: In addition to the above, the MSP used two separate bank accounts for transferring. One was for forwarding the shopper pay and a separate one for sending reimbursements to shoppers. So in one month, the MSP had on average 3000 shops X 2 bank accounts = 6000 transactions to process manually. In total it took 30 working days per month to complete the load, not to mention the cost.
The MyMo team provided the below solution to overcome all challenges and optimize the workload of the MSP:
- The MSP subscribed to the add-on Shopper Payment Processing service of MyMo. The Payment Processing System can in default handle:
- Summarizing the amount owed to each shopper so 1 shopper means 1 transaction per month. → This reduced banking costs to one third.
- The use of multiple bank accounts is also part of the default feature set, yet it does not mean more work → This further reduced banking costs to one half of the one third.
- As both above functions are completely automatic → This already reduced the human labor intensity dramatically.
- Together with the MSP, the MyMo team consulted with the bank’s IT Professionals to see what mass transfer solutions they can provide. The bank offered that their mass transfer program can import a TXT file, which shall be provided by the MSP or MyMo to be exact.
- Therefore, based on the request of the MSP, a custom made TXT output file was programmed to be generated by the Payment Module, that suits the bank’s import criteria.
- The programming had an initial setup cost, that the MSP gladly took on, seeing how much it will save in the long run.
Today the MSP is happily using the MyMo Shopper Payment Processing Module and has reported the below clear benefits:
- Banking expenses were reduced by 85% → Motivating enough?
- Shopper Payment Processing was reduced from 30 working days to 3 hours per month → Motivating enough?
- Human labor intensity and costs were reduced by 20% → Motivating enough?
Again, MyMo has fulfilled its mission to Motivate by dramatically increasing efficiency. So much so, that the multinational MSP has expanded the use of MyMo to all countries of their operation.
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